Best Practice Network Director Victor Caune Wins Jim Watkins Award
TXM congratulates Victor Caune, the Director of our new Best Practice Network for winning the 2015 Jim Watkins Award.
The Jim Watkins Award is awarded every year to an individual or company who has made an exceptional contribution to the cause of Australian Manufacturing and Operational Excellence. Victor’s award reflected his career long commitment to manufacturing, lean and, especially, promoting networking and sharing between businesses. In the past 20 years, Victor has dedicated much of his time to building connections between companies and individuals in order to further the cause of Operational Excellence and Lean.
With Best Practice Network, Victor has had an immediate impact with a rapidly growing list of member companies and an outstanding program of events already in place at some of Australia’s most admired industrial companies including Toyota, General Motors, Leica Microsystems, PPG, Fonterra and Lyondell Basell.