The Visual Way
We need to change the way we think about organising our day and make sure one of those tasks is Lean – put it into your daily and weekly plan. The phone calls, emails, the interruptions with the latest emergency – will fit around.
By taking time to participate in Lean projects, you may actually be eliminating or shortcutting those emergencies that you spend most of your time putting out. By taking time to educate others in problem solving, your team may be able to solve their own problems even before they become a fire. By taking time to identify production variations before they become quality tissues and customer returns, you may be able to save those parts in the first place, rather than creating reports to explain where all those dollars have gone in scrap.
Implementing, supporting, experimenting, learning about lean – all of these things must be fitted into your everyday plan. It is only then that your company can really embrace the spirit of Lean and use it to grow a better business for everyone!