How To Develop your Own Lean Production System
Last week, TXM Lean Solutions, together with DMG Mori, held a one day workshop about “How to Develop your Own Lean Production System”. The workshop has been organized by the Lean Enterprise China (LEC) for the Annual Global Lean Summit and focused on how the DMG Mori factory in China has implemented Lean to improve its production system. Through the DMG Mori plant journey the attendees had the opportunity to learn about the Visual Management, the Kitting System, the Leader’s standardized work and how to report problems during the lean implementation.
Workshop Speakers
The speakers of the day were Christian Daut, Production Manager at DMG Mori, and Justin Tao, TXM Lean Solutions Senior Consultant, and the location of the workshop the DMG Mori plant in Shanghai. Before starting with the Lean journey, Izabela Spizak, Managing Director, introduced the DMG Mori plant to the attendees and how it has been developed during the years.
During the first part of the workshop, Christian Daut took the attendees around the shop floor to give a practical look of how Lean has been implemented in the plant.
After the visit to the factory, Christian has explained in more details the DMG Mori plant lean journey, which steps they have taken during the lean implementation and what kind of results they have achieved.
After Christian’s presentation, Justin Tao has talked about the Lean Daily Leadership Process. In the specific Justin explained the four elements to establish a lean culture, the Standard work for leaders, how to use the Kamishibai board and the importance of the visual control in the shop floor.
After the lunch break the attendees, divided in three groups (Visual Management, Material handling process and Line Balance), have done a Gemba walk inside the factory to identify, solve or improve possible flaws in the lean process.
As the last activity of the workshop, the attendees worked together to write reports about what worked well, what did not work, and what was missing during the Gemba walk in the shop floor.
At the end of the workshop all the attendees received a certificate of attendance and took a group pictures with the speakers and the LEC organisers.
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