Lean Leadership is a key strategy in a high value currency environment
I’m hearing the $AUD value is set to stay for the medium term. Many sites are exposed to cheaper import cost providers in the region. Lean Leadership is a key strategy to engage decisions to be made at the lowest possible level.
Effective Lean Leadership allows company’s to grow without extending their overhead management structure. The economic pressure is forcing this new way of leadership structure across many industry’s previously well above their competitive currency point. Margin protection has given way to Survival in many cases. Like David Braham says, “Rationale Management is what is needed. Lean version of this for managers is routine engagement, coaching problem solving, focus on standardised work, and standardised workplace.”
Being able to create Lean Leaders is a key skill. The resume for the AUD $1-10 environment is to create lean leaders. A list of Team Leaders that our now managing and leading far greater size teams is a key personal distinguisher. This must give us all satisfaction.
How long is your list?