TXM Lean Solutions At AME Australia Conferences – 24-28 February 2014
TXM is making a major contribution to 2014 Association for Manufacturing Excellence Leadership in Operational Excellence Conferences. The Conferences, in Perth on 24 February and in Melbourne on 26-27 February will feature a range of international and local keynote speakers. The AME Australia conference is the highlight of the Australian Lean Practicioner’s calendar each year and represents one of the best opportunities for professionals with an interest in Lean to get up to date on the latest thinking from around the region and the world.
Three TXM team members will be making key contributions to the event:
- TXM Senior Consultant Marcus Ward and TXM Director, Ron Spiteri will be presenting at the Perth event on 24 February. They will present a case study on Lean Plant Layout development and how Lean Thinking can be applied in the development of a major greenfield’s manufacturing operation. ATCO Structures and Logistics is a leading provider of relocatable buildings for the construction and resource industries and TXM has worked with ATCO over the past two years to ensure that their new Kwinana operation sets a benchmark for productivity, agility and quality in manufacture of a wide range of relocatable buildings.
- Ron Spiteri is also speaking at the Melbourne conference on 27 February about how Lean can be used in the Sales process. Ron has been working with a major TXM client to develop a more effective way of selling their product to major customers using Lean Thinking to identify the value and waste in the customer’s operation and then developing solutions involving our customer’s products that minimise waste and maximise value.
- Also at the Melbourne Conference on 26 February, TXM Managing Director, Tim McLean will be sharing his experience of creating Lean International Supply Chains. Tim’s workshop will include a Lean simulation that will show in a practical way how traditional “push” approaches amplify waste and lead time in the supply chain and how a lean “pull” approach can be applied to connecting long international supply chains to reduce waste and cut lead time
Follow this link for the full conference program or to register