The 7 Wastes of Lean and How to Reduce Them in Your Organisation
The 7 Wastes is a way to help us look for the lost time between cycle times and lead times in manufacturing and eliminat…
New Lean Thinking: How Understanding Customer Value is Key to Disrupting Your Market
Understanding the value you provide your customers is key in disrupting new markets and creating growth. Focus on your c…
Four Lean Strategies for Uncertain Economic Times
Too often the response of business in uncertain times is to do nothing and “wait and see”. This approach unfortunate…
Lead Metrics and Lag Metrics for Visual Controls
Metrics are a key ingredient for improved communication in a visual Lean workplace and are essential for good Lean Daily…
What is Industry 4.0 – Something New or Just “Ground Hog Day”?
If you listen to the business media there is a revolution coming to manufacturing. It is called Industry 4.0, a fourth i…
How To: Solving Problems Every Day
The SPED (Solving Problems Every Day) method is about solving many small problems every day. Most probl…