TXM Training
Building on over a decade of success implementing Lean around Australia and internationally.
TXM Training will focus on providing you and your team with the essential skills to drive Lean and Operational Excellence in your organisation.
Our training workshops will offer a range of hands-on one and two-day training workshop in essential Lean, Operational Excellence & Continuous Improvement topics.
This fresh approach to learning Lean methodologies and project management skills is about combining class work with on-site practical experience.
Our workshops aim to teach a culture of continuous improvement for you and your team by understanding you and your organisation.
TXM Training workshops are delivered by real Lean practitioners with over 150 years of combined operational excellence experience teaching practical techniques that can be immediately applied in your organisation.
TXM Training practitioners will provide you and your organisation with flexible, intuitive, unparalleled practical experiences not found in traditional training organisations.
Join us for a new practical hands-on way to learn Lean and Operational Excellence techniques.
TXM Training
ISO18404 Accredited Courses
Tim McLean
TXM Training Director/Lean Expert
Tim has spent more than 20 years in operational and general management roles and has extensive experience in both Project Management and Process Improvement. Since establishing TXM he has built a strong reputation for his high quality project management and extensive lean supply chain expertise.
Tim has more than 20 years in operational and general management roles and has extensive experience in both Project Management and Process Improvement. He started out in the 80’s implementing TQM techniques such as control charts and design of experiments before graduating to lean manufacturing consulting.
In recent years Tim’s interests have focused on the implementation of Value Stream Maps. He has successfully assisted customers to eliminate waste by improving flow, implementing pull systems, providing the stability of quality principles, and preventing overproduction and waste.
During his career Tim was responsible for major operational changes including complex multi-site amalgamations, ERP system implementations, plant relocations and integrating mergers and acquisitions. He was also responsible for establishing and refining complex international supply chains.
Since establishing TXM Training he has built a strong reputation for high quality project management and extensive lean supply chain expertise.
Anthony Clyne
TXM Training Director/Lean Expert
Anthony has a deep understanding of lean thinking and an ability to explain and apply the concepts in many different processes. Anthony joined TXM in 2007 with an impressive record of lean manufacturing experience in a range of industries including food, automotive, minerals processing and transactional processes.
As a graduate Engineer at the Ford Motor Company, Anthony was initially taught standardised work using yamazumi by Japanese-based Mazda engineers. After numerous line re-layouts at Ford in Australia, Anthony received further training from the US-based Toyota Sensei and worked with automotive suppliers to reduce costs.
He has also been mentored locally by a highly respected TMCA Lean Sensei. Since partnering with TXM, Anthony has consulted for a range of customers including Schuetz DSL, Trimas Corporation, Rosebank Engineering, Agilent Technologies, AstraZeneca, Ferguson Plarre, Branach Engineering and Jeff Sykes & Associates.
Michelle Brown
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
Michelle has had an 18-year career implementing Lean enterprise at Boeing. Michelle started on the shop floor as a cadet engineer which has given her a practical understanding of the real issues in production. Trained by leading Japanese lean consultants, Michelle became an expert in Lean manufacturing and the production preparation process.
Michelle Brown is an outstanding Business Improvement practitioner who embraces the core principles of Lean. She has partnered with a range of industries, including aerospace, precision sheet metal, professional photography, mining equipment, logistics services, warehousing, electronics manufacturing and professional services.
With a mechanical engineering background, Michelle’s aerospace training ground has set the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of the Lean tools and how to apply them across a variety of situations.
Michelle is based in Melbourne, Australia. In addition to being lean consultant, her interests include sailing and mixed media art. Michelle also continues to support Victoria’s Defence sector through her ongoing work with the Australian Industry and Defence Network AIDN-Vic.
Brent Johnstone
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
Brent is an experienced Lean manufacturing practitioner with a 30-year manufacturing career in Aerospace, Rail and Construction Materials. Brent was lean transformation manager at Boeing in Bankstown as well as led a major shop floor Lean transformation in the rail sector.
Brent joins TXM Training as a highly experienced Lean Manufacturing practitioner. Brent has completed trade and professional qualifications in Mechanical Engineering as well as being trained by Japanese lean specialists at Boeing in Sydney.
Brent brings considerable skills in improving plant layout and workflow as well as experience in achieving shop floor improvement in challenging cultural environments.
As well as his operational Lean experience, Brent brings to TXM Training considerable experience in design for manufacture and managing major change projects (including the relocation of Boeing Operations from Sydney to Melbourne).
Axel Krens
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
Axel joins TXM from a successful career at one of the best Toyota group Lean companies, Denso. At Denso Australia, Axel was a lean manufacturing specialist with more than 12 years’ experience implementing lean across manufacturing and office functions.
Trained internationally by Japanese lean coaches, Axel has successfully implemented Lean techniques and training to help Denso become a leader in Lean practices. With excellent skills in analysis and project planning.
Axel has managed all aspects of Lean Manufacturing/Continuous Improvement projects and New Product Introductions in manufacturing across a wide range of products and processes, ranging from heat exchangers, electronics, moulding & assembly products, as well as improving parts storage and finished goods delivery.
Axel has an excellent track record of influencing change throughout the organisation and in particular is skilled at coaching operational leaders in their role in ensuring the success of Lean.
David Jaksa
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
David is a passionate Lean coach and practitioner who brings a broad range of practical Lean skills and experience to TXM Training.
David has had an outstanding career in Lean and Quality Engineering within the Toyota Motor Corporation Australia. At Toyota, David commenced as a member of the Graduate program where he was placed on a 2-year training development pathway which helped him gain exposure to automotive manufacturing and logistic processes.
His work ranged across assembly operations, quality engineering and included management of new model supply parts approval activities. Throughout his roles within Toyota, David was able to gain considerable practical experience in the use of Lean visual techniques and how they are essential to the successful introduction of a project.
Beyond his considerable expertise in manufacturing, David has developed a deep understanding of implementing Lean in typically non-traditional environments such as building and construction.
Greg Kuszewski
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
Greg joins TXM with over 3 decades professional experience diversified across the manufacturing, mining, and service industries covering areas such as: production, supply chain, business strategy, project management, and also facilitation of Lean training, coaching and mentoring business leaders.
Greg has spent half of his experience working in industry position (Industrial Engineer at Nissan, Manager of Industrial Engineering at Autoliv, Operations Manager at Dura-Asia Pacific, Best Practice Manager at Greer Industries, Business Analyst at BHP, CI Lead at Toll Logistics) and half in consulting roles (Management Consultant at PriceWaterhouse & Deloitte, Associate at KAIZEN Institute, Senior Consultant at ThinkPerform, ORBIZ & NextGenOpX).
He has a proven track record in delivery of successful business improvement projects, deployment of business excellence capabilities and sustained Lean Culture through deployment of Lean tools and principles.
His passion is to improve business through “people” with improved employee engagement, effective teamwork, and collaboration with daily problem-solving capabilities.
Luciano Peloche Moraes
TXM Training Senior Lean Expert
Luciano joins TXM with more than 20 years’ experience in Operational Excellence Practices and Continuous Improvement through Lean concepts and methodology implementation in Manufacturing, Logistics, Office, Construction and Engineering.
Luciano has worked extensively across Brazil, France, Spain, Switzerland, and Sudan. He has extensive experience assessing and defining customer requirements, developing strategies and delivering customer value solutions.
He also has great experience performing clear and efficient training whilst coaching and mentoring on improvement projects. He is fluent in English, Advanced Spanish and a basic French speaker Luciano can interact with multicultural teams at all levels.