The Importance of the Senior Leadership Workshop

Preparing & Facilitating a Senior Leadership Workshop

Preparing a senior leadership workshop has given us time to reflect on the importance and impact of these sessions. We understand that your time is valuable and we expect the day to provide value as we check we have a common understanding of the project we are about to undertake, discuss the next steps and how best to support your improvement efforts, and highlight potential barriers and discuss counter measures for the issues the tray arise.

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Understanding Project Aims

A key element of a leadership workshop is reviewing the aims of the lean project and checking the entire leadership team understand the scope and benefits. Having these discussions up front helps each person to understand what they need to do to contribute to the success of the project. We also highlight what will be needed for each team as the improvement projects are identified and implemented.

Understanding the Process

TXM offers a tailored solution, based on a process that is tried and true for implementing business benefits. The leadership workshop is an opportunity to provide the team with an overview of the key steps we will work through, making sure our improvement process is tied into the entire company and business objectives. This can seem overwhelming at first and the workshop offers insight into the thinking behind the TXM process, plus time to consider how this will work for your business and ask questions to clarify and align the expectation on both sides.

Highlighting the Barriers to Change

Every change process that influences every aspect of your business will have some challenges. The leadership workshop aims to highlight the “elephant in the room” and identifies these potential barriers before they become a big issues. We can begin to have an open and honest discussion around what these barriers may be. Then we can look at ways to stop them from happening or minimise the impart they may have to the business and improvement project. Often improved communication and checking we are involving everyone goes a long way to helping defuse potential problems before they become big problems.

Leadership, Culture and Knowhow must be aligned to deliver sustained Lean Transformation.


While holding a senior leadership workshop may feel like a huge burden of time and resources, at TXM we find the investment of time is hugely rewarded. We check the understanding of both teams with the project aims and objectives. We review the TXM process and check we have the key elements in place for a successful improvement project. And we highlight potential barriers to change before they become a major problem and slow down the improvement project.

Robert Chittenden

Author: Robert Chittenden

Robert Chittenden is a Senior Lean Consultant at TXM Lean Solutions