TXM Lean Solutions are happy to announce the recruitment of two new consultants in New South Wales and the North Island of New Zealand. In New South Wales, TXM welcome Doug Mottram as Senior Lean Consultant. Doug Joins TXM Lean Solutions Australia in NSW with extensive experience working as a continuous improvement professional. In New Zealand we weclome Ian Lines who brings a wealth of knowledge from his time as a operations manager at automtovie suppliers.
Meeting Demand with a New Senior Lean Consultant Doug Mottram
Doug has worked in a range of industries from Mining & Minerals to Gaming, Furniture and even Air Traffic Control. Doug has also been the President of AME (Association for Manufacturing Excellence) NSW. Doug is also the owner of The Business Advisory Board in the Sutherland Shire Business Region.
He has a passion for seeing businesses grow profitably and sustainably and will be able to help NSW clients increase productivity, drive performance and boost profitability.
Boosting Capabilities in New Zealand with New Senior Lean Consultant
Across the ditch we are excited to announce the appointment of Ian Lines as Senior Lean Consultant New Zealand. Ian started his career in Wales, UK on the shop floor as a manufacturing engineer giving him a practical understanding of production & process before becoming a Continuous Improvement Manager at Valeo a supplier to BMW, Peugeot, SaaB & General Motors.
Ian has since worked as a Lean Consultant in New Zealand helping businesses increase productivity, profits, and efficiency. Ian has developed an outstanding set of facilitator skills who constantly engages staff.
Need Help?
If you need a Lean Consultant across Australia or New Zealand, Ian and Doug are both ready to help you achieve your vision and boost your profits & productivity. Contact TXM for more information.