TXM Lean Minute – Improve your Business with Active Experimentation
Adults learn by doing. We call this active experimentation. In this Lean Minute video, Anthony Clyne explains how you can engage your team in using active experimentation to innovate and improve your business.
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Active experimentation enables people to solve problems and make innovative discoveries.
Hi, I’m Anthony Clyne. Welcome to this TXM Lean minute.
Active experimentation is the DNA behaviour of innovative companies.
The challenge for work teams is to continuously challenge the process and come up with ideas to improve.
TXM provide a framework to actively experiment.
We coach the leaders to facilitate, & support, while maintaining a level of control.
Ensure you have a well defined process.
Experimentation requires a defined baseline to trial changes against.
Involve the people from all teams impacted by the change.
Define a desired outcome, and a test criteria that proves the trial effective.
Most importantly, watch the change.
Look for a deeper understanding of the process. Don’t give up.
By experimenting from a defined baseline your process will have less variation.
This will result in better reliability, and product quality.
Contact TXM to provide the structure and support.
I’m Anthony Clyne
Thank you for watching this TXM Lean Minute.