Levelling work enables you see the status of production in real time and gets products and services to your customers on time every time. In this Lean Minute, TXM Senior Consultant, Greg Boek, explains the secrets of level production and creating a visual work flow.
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Leveling work and seeing status gets products and services delivered on time to your customers.
Hi, I’m Greg Boek and Welcome to this TXM Lean Methodology Video.
Keep watching to see how controlling the time and pace that work enters your workflow and making it’s status through your process visual gives you a competitive advantage.
Controlling the pace and path that work enters your workplace, and being able to see status at a glance reduces overburden on your team, evens out the workload and allows you to see holdups in real time so they can be cleared when they happen rather than learning at the end of the day, or when your customer needs their product or service that there was a problem.
There are several key things you need to know and do to achieve a leveled and visual workflow through your business:
- Understand the demand for your product or service so you can ensure you have the right amount of resources, tools and equipment.
- Group your products or services into like groups. You don’t need everything to be the same for work to follow a similar path through your business.
- Decide on a standard pace that work should enter your workflow that makes sense for your business, for example daily, or hourly and the amount of work that should enter at each interval.
- Use visual tools such as planning boards and work queue’s to make the task of deciding the timing and sequence of work easy, and make status visual.
- Understand the sequence and timing of the various steps that need to happen. Changing layouts of processes can help.
Setting up simple visual tools lets people close to the work area carry out your daily planning allowing management to free themselves up to focus on growth, innovation and taking the business forward.
You should expect:
- Improved on time delivery of products or services
- Improved productivity and less competing for recourses
- Less space needed to delver the same output
- Less stressed and overburdened team members
Contact TXM today to help you to create a sustainable leveled and visual workflow in your business.
I’m Greg Boek and thank you for watching this TXM Lean Methodology.