Many businesses have found that having quick daily stand up meetings around a visual management board is an excellent way to engage shop floor teams in improving business performance. In this Lean Minute Video, Michelle Brown explains how daily “stand up” meetings and visual management boards can be just as valuable for office teams as they are in the factory, warehouse or workshop.
Learn More About Daily Standup Meetings and Lean Daily Leadership Process from our Methodology Video
Read the Video Transcript
We know that daily meetings help our factory teams in many ways, but what about support teams? Can regular meetings help them too?
Welcome to this TXM Lean Minute, I’m Michelle Brown.
After we had started to implement the lean excellence program at Slattery & Acquroff, it didn’t take long for the support departments to realise that some of those elements could help them too.
Rod, the manager of the technical detailing department, saw value in holding regular meetings. The challenge with his team was that they spent a lot of time out on the road, measuring houses for their new stairs, before returning to the office and drawing up their designs on CAD.
Rod decided to trial weekly meetings where the team could discuss safety, quality, how they were tracking on the number of jobs coming in and any other issues that have arisen during the previous week. It was important for this team to get feedback from the factory and from the installers so they could improve their design processes.
Now the team looks forward to their weekly meetings, it’s the only chance they get to catch up with each other each week. And now they can hear about what’s going on in the factory and other parts of the business as well, and discuss any ideas they have to improve the way they work.
Have you considered implementing regular meetings with your support teams? TXM is only a phone call away if you need any help.
Thanks for watching this TXM Lean Minute.