TXM Lean Minute – Live and Visual Minute Taking
Maximise the productivity of your meetings with live and visual minute taking. TXM Consulting Director Anthony Clyne explains how you can save time, have shorter meetings, and better results with live and visual minute taking.
Learn Seven Practical Tips to Keep your Daily Meetings Effective from our Blog
Learn how Daily Meetings Can Work in the Office from our Lean Minute Video
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Live Minute Taking is a key to a successful meting
Hi I’m Anthony Clyne and welcome to this TXM Lean Minute
Minute taking should be done live as the meeting is taking place. A single person should note down what has been agreed and key points.
The challenge is to spend as much time as possible doing meaningful work to satisfy customers. At the end of the meeting you can immediately send out copy’s of the discussion.
At TXM we promote effective meetings.
Prepare templates that can be filled in during the meeting. These templates can be on any size paper you like, or even a flip chart, or white board.
During the meeting the person taking the notes can check that what is written down accurately captures the key points.
At the end of the meeting agree the written notes accurately reflect the meeting.
At the end of the meeting there should be no time spent re-writing and compiling minutes.
Contact TXM and get a hold of TXM or create your own standard meeting templates.
I’m Anthony Clyne,
Thank you for watching this TXM Lean Minute.
Thank you for watching this TXM Lean Minute.