TXM Lean Minute – What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lots of people talk about Lean Manufacturing and Lean Enterprise and Lean Manufacturing, but what is Lean Manufacturing? At TXM we find this simple definition of Lean Manufacturing cuts through the jargon and goes to the heart of what Lean Manufacturing can deliver to your business. Watch this Lean Minute video to learn more about what is Lean Manufacturing.

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Hi, I’m Tim Mclean and welcome to this TXM Lean Minute

You have all heard the term Lean Manufacturing or Lean Enterprise? You probably already know that lean is a term used to describe the Toyota Production System, but what does it really mean to be Lean?

At TXM we see Lean as set of principles and techniques that eliminate waste, and deliver to our customers

  • exactly what they need
  • when they need it
  • in the quantity they need
  • in the right sequence
  • without defects
  • at the lowest possible cost.

We like to describe what lean does graphically  Lean is about

  • Reducing Waste
  • While you maximise value for your customers
  • Lean is about reducing the lead time
  • which increases the agility of your business
  • And Lean is about sustained change so we make sure that we achieve change in an environment of mutual trust and respect.

So that is it in a nutshell.

What businesses does it apply to – any businesses. Contact us and we can let you know how Lean can make your business better.