TXM Practical 5S is a simple practical approach that delivers sustainable ongoing improvement by driving accountability to the front line in your business. Learn more about P5S today!
The Top 12 Lean Tools for Lean Manufacturing
Read our top 12 Lean tools for sustaining a Lean transformation.…
5S Lean Housekeeping: Sort, Set, Shine, Standardise, Sustain
To have an organised and efficiently running factory, we need to know that everything has a place, is in that place and …
Is 5S Really Just a Waste of Time?
5S is one of the foundations of a successful Lean Manufacturing system but many businesses we have seen place too much e…
Our Top 5 Practical 5S Workplace Organisation Videos
Practical 5S is one of the easiest Lean techniques to implement but one of the hardest to sustain. View a selection of 5…
Act Your Way into a New Way of Thinking with 5S and Lean
Here are three Lean tools that can help our team act their way to a new way of thinking, acting “as if” they have al…
The Top Lean Tools for Maintenance
As we implemented and refined our Lean Enterprise Production System the stability of the processes becomes extremely imp…
Setting Practical 5S Standards
Setting Practical 5S Standards At the beginning many people find the idea of a 5S program to be as a daunting undertakin…
Sustaining Practical 5S Workplace Organisation
In preforming 5S activities on site I often see that the initial efforts go well and gains are quickly made to productio…
5S and a Visual Workplace – Essential for Sustaining Lean Manufacturing
Many lean experts are critical of 5S and think it is a superficial tool. However while, 5S and Visual Workplace are not …
Practical 5S: Lean Begins With a Well Organised Workplace
Where ever you are in your Lean Manufacturing implementation, using 5S as your workplace organisation tool ensures you a…
Doing 5S Workplace Organisation Effectively
These common pitfalls are often seen as failures and lead to poor ongoing implementation of 5S practises. However, the b…
Why Audit Weekly 5S Workplace Organisation?
We know that housekeeping is one of the fundamental Lean principles; a foundation stone for the Toyota Production System…