TXM Senior Consultants Attain ISO 18404 Lean Expert Accreditation

ISO 18404:2015 was launched by the international organisation for standardisation (ISO) in December 2015 as a new International Standard for both organisations and individuals as competent Lean Practitioners (equiv. Six Sigma Green Belt) or Lean Experts (equiv. Six Sigma Black Belt). Participants are expected to demonstrate they have an adequate level of competence including a combination of education, training, skills, and experience necessary to fulfil their roles as manufacturing professionals.
Since introducing this accreditation to the TXM team we have assessed and accredited 30 participants internally and externally. We take pride in coaching and educating the businesses we work with and always encourage our teams and customers to develop their skills at every opportunity. We are happy to announce the most recent certification of our Victorian & West Australian teams.
Experienced TXM Senior Consultants Now ISO 18404 Experts
Over the past few months our consulting team have been completing their assessments and practical evidence of their knowledge and experience of the Lean Methodology applied to the ISO 18404 standard.
We are one of a handful of providers world-wide who can coach and accredit people and businesses as Lean Experts against the competencies in the ISO 18404 standard.
The Lean Expert Course certifies to international standards providing a career advantage. The course is designed to go beyond the basics of the Lean Methodology and teach in-depth comprehensive knowledge of its two guiding principles of Continuous Improvement and Respect for People. The course has been well received and will be opening to the public next year.
APT Employees Attain ISO 18404 Lean Practitioner Qualification
As part of their project with TXM, Australian Precision Technologies had 8 current employees complete the ISO Lean Practitioner course alongside the project to better aide their learning and development.
They found this approach worked well because the APT team were able to use their skills and knowledge from the day-to-day coaching Michelle Brown was providing and apply it to their learning & development and ultimately ISO 18404.
The accreditation is a great way to upskill employees with the fundementals needed to implement sustainable change and growth in their businesses. TXM can train your employees in house as a stand-alone option but is well proven working best alongside a project.