Discover our latest blog posts about Lean Leadership, Industry 4.0, Operational excellence, Organisational Culture and Culture written by Lean Consultants.
Why The Tools Still Matter In A Lean Production System
“It’s not about the tools” is an observation often made about Lean. That is, that Lean is more than just a set of …
Top Five Organisational Structure Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Organisational structures are challenging to perfect due to the intricate balance required between promoting efficiency,…
What is Effective Company Leadership?
What is effective company Lean Leadership? Company Lean leadership comes out of three key elements:- a strong senior man…
Four Practical Strategies to Help You Navigate the Skills Shortage Without Increasing Salaries
Reflection on past efforts provides the opportunity to look inwards and get the most from the people you already have. R…
Keeping Your Daily Team Meeting Effective
Daily team meetings start off with great level of enthusiasm and vigour when first implemented; however it doesn't last …
5 Workplace Behaviours to Improve Productivity: It’s Like Baking A Cake
Improving workplace productivity can be harder than you think, but it can to broken down into parts to make it easier to…
How 10 Minute Meetings Every Day Can Help You Get Back 9 Years of Your Life
Daily stand up meetings have the ability to provide important detail in a 10 minute meeting, helping you reclaim preciou…
What Makes a Great Supply Chain Manager?
By Timothy McLean, author of “On Time in Full: Achieving Perfect Delivery with Lean Thinking in Purchasing, Supply Cha…
What White Cars in Istanbul Have to Tell Us About Creating a Lean Culture
Managing Director Tim McLean writes about culture and how it has a huge impact on how your business will perform.…
Five Career Limiting Mistakes Operations Leaders Should Avoid
Senior leaders in operations often have the largest proportion of the workforce reporting to them and need to balance im…
Five Tips for Designing an Organisational Structure that Works
It would be nice to think that people in an organisation could just organise themselves and work out what they have to d…
Our Top Five Lean Leadership Videos
Over the years, Lean Leadership has been a key focus of our blogs and videos. TXM Lean Solutions has plenty of resources…
The Role Of Your Senior Leadership Team In Ensuring Lean Delivers Results
The Role of Your Senior Leadership Team Explained Embracing Lean thinking and making it part of your corporate DNA is a …
Is Your Business Ready for Lean?
Is Lean Right For You? We see many businesses that are facing big problems. Often there are major problems with f…
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 4: Stopping Passive Acceptance
Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very difficult in some organisations. Th…
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 3: Overcoming Learned Helplessness
Read these tips to overcome the barriers to learned helplessness. Creating a lean culture or a positive change within an…
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 2: Beating Low Expectations
Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very difficult in some organisations. Th…
Overcoming The Four Big Barriers To A Lean Culture Part 1: Breaking Through Complacency
How Do You Create a Lean Culture? Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very d…
How to Recruit a Great Operations Manager
How do you recruit a great Operations Manager i? We talked to an experienced manufacturing recruiter and came up with so…
What Makes a Great Operations Manager?
So what are the signs that you have hired a really effective Operations Manager or General Manager in your business?The …
How to Avoid the Senior Management Revolving Door in Your Business
The “management revolving door” is a disaster for your business. Apart from the direct recruitment and severance cos…
WHAT and then WHO: the Delicate Balance of Office Process Design
Office process design starts with using the lean principles to understand the current situation then develop a future st…
The Importance of the Senior Leadership Workshop
While holding a senior leadership workshop may feel like a huge burden of time and resources, at TXM we find the investm…
Business Health Check: The Three Key Indicators For Your Daily Gemba Walk Around
Active leadership is important to continuous improvement and a daily walk around to determine the health of your busines…
“Lean Won’t Work Here”, Try the “Quick Wins” Approach Instead
Is there a way for people not to “roll their eyes" when the “lean” word is out of the bag? Let’s start with the …
Overcoming Reluctance When Implementing Lean Systems
Lean systems in many instances are implemented when company are faced with a challenge and have identified that new ways…
The Top 7 Tips for Effective Professional Development
So how are companies like Boeing and Toyota enable to find leaders who can lead the various parts of their business in a…
Developing Innovation Through Culture
Developing innovation needs the right company culture. Here we look at how we can improve our culture to create the inno…
Seven Standards for Successful Leadership of Temporary Employees
In many industries, temporary employees provide an important and flexible element of the workforce. Many businesses seem…
Getting the Right Resources for a Successful Lean Project
How do you resource a successful Lean transformation. There are lots of different approaches and different types of Lean…
What is Industry 4.0 – Something New or Just “Ground Hog Day”?
If you listen to the business media there is a revolution coming to manufacturing. It is called Industry 4.0, a fourth i…
Seven Reasons NOT to Fire your Factory Manager
The role of Factory Manager (or Operations Manager, Plant Manager, General Manager – title is not important) is one of…
Lean Daily Leadership Process – Which Elements Do You Need?
TXMs Lean Daily Leadership Process brings together our practical approach to the Lean elements of visual management and …
Building Accountability into a Lean Enterprise
Building accountability into a Lean Program is not so different to creating accountability into any organisation however…
Teamwork in a Lean Enterprise
Today we’re going to look at the importance of using teamwork to develop a lean enterprise. While it is easy to define…
Creating a Lean Human Resources Department
A key element for the lean way is Organisational and Human Resources factors inside our company. How a business is struc…
The Art of Policy Deployment (Hoshin Kanri)
Hoshin Kanri, or policy deployment, is one of the most important foundation elements for implementing the lean methodolo…
Why do So Few Small Companies Become Big Companies?
Why do So Few Small Companies Become Big Companies? Every big global company started out small. Hewlett Packard was orig…
The Need to Lead People through Change
People who resist change usually do so for a reason – lack of trust, frustration or a desire to have their input in to…
Implementing Lean is Hard; Sustaining Lean is Harder
As we look back over the last 12 months, can you seen where you've been? Continuous improvement and implementing Lean me…