Lean Manufacturing Industrial Products Case Studies

Our Lean Manufacturing Industrial Products examples span various industries, but here are just a few. One is a client based in Kunshan, China, a successful manufacturing company specializing in high-quality products like metal parts, automotive parts, and fire extinguishers for the global market.

The challenge is that the company was experiencing a lot of pressure in lead time and cost from competitors and clients. Our input was to implement a Lean Solution at the fire extinguisher factory to bring significant financial changes to the company. Working with the company’s management, TXM mapped the current state of crucial product streams in the manufacturing plants for a clear workflow.

TXM’s Lean Manufacturing Industrial Products Results

Within ten years of applying our Lean Solution, our client was able to establish a mature manufacturing system. The production line is leveled, with a continuous flow that dramatically improves efficiency. The client has been in a better position to win more orders in the global market, thanks to the A3 plan that includes:

  • Lean layout for material and product flow
  • Continuous flow to allow assembly processes flows leading to 1-day lead time
  • Quick changeover for a reduction of the setup time by at least 50%
  • Pull system for improved production efficiency
  • Lean daily leadership process for visual management, daily routine tasks, and problem-solving

Contact TXM Lean Solutions for Lean Manufacturing Industrial Solutions

TXM is the home for lean manufacturing solutions to improve production efficiency and sales. Contact us to find out how we can help your business. Did you know that TXM is also present in the UK? Visit https://txm.com/uk/ to explore our Lean Solutions and schedule and consultation.

Practical Lean Solutions Customized for Your Business

TXM Lean Solutions provides Lean Solutions for businesses in many aspects of their operations. Our offerings range from Lean Manufacturing to Lean Leadership, Practical 5S, Lean Sales, Lean Transformation, Lean Facility Layout, and Lean Problem Solving. In Lean Manufacturing Solutions, we have a subcategory of Lean Manufacturing Industrial Products, and here are some case studies to prove the results.