What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Industry 4.0?
Get an overview of what Industry 4.0 is, how it fits into lean, how it's changing manufacturing.…
The Ultimate Guide To Lean Plant Layout
Improving your plant layout using lean methodology can hugely improve plant efficiency. Learn everything you need to kno…
Is It Time to Get Out of China?
Manufacturing in China has been turned upside down and its probably a good time to think about relocating your operation…
Lean Factory Design: Lessons for Plant & Operations Managers
In this article Tim McLean explains lessons he has learned from his time creating a Lean Factory. All Stakeholders must …
How to Use Lean for Factory Layout Design
How to use Lean when designing a new Factory Layout Design. There a variety of things that you need to understand before…
The Secrets of Food Factory Layout Design
Food Factory Layout Design needs special considerations before committing to your layout. Read our secrets to the perfec…
Factory Layout Examples & How to Choose
There are a variety of ways you can shape the flow of your factory. Here are the different types of factory layout examp…
Top 10 Lean Layout Principles
Our Top 10 Lean Layout Principles for assessing the setup of your factory, warehouse or workshop. Read our proven Lean L…
How To Create Flow When There is No Assembly Line
One of the most well-known Lean concepts is that of “flow”. The most familiar example of flow is the automotive asse…
Four Lean Strategies for Uncertain Economic Times
Too often the response of business in uncertain times is to do nothing and “wait and see”. This approach unfortunate…
Five Career Limiting Mistakes Operations Leaders Should Avoid
Senior leaders in operations often have the largest proportion of the workforce reporting to them and need to balance im…
Five Tips for Designing an Organisational Structure that Works
It would be nice to think that people in an organisation could just organise themselves and work out what they have to d…
The Top Seven Common Problems in Project Manufacturing and How to Overcome Them
What is Project Manufacturing? When we think of a manufacturing business, we usually think of a business that manufactur…
Right Part, Right Place, Right Time
The Keys to Successful Lean Material Management Over the years many manufacturers have adopted Lean tools focused on imp…
Our Top Five Lean Leadership Videos
Over the years, Lean Leadership has been a key focus of our blogs and videos. TXM Lean Solutions has plenty of resources…
Implementing an ERP System
We offer practical Lean solutions to businesses implement your ERP System that can live with your Kanban system. Contact…
The Role Of Your Senior Leadership Team In Ensuring Lean Delivers Results
The Role of Your Senior Leadership Team Explained Embracing Lean thinking and making it part of your corporate DNA is a …
Is Your Business Ready for Lean?
Is Lean Right For You? We see many businesses that are facing big problems. Often there are major problems with f…
Achieving Perfect Delivery with a Lean Supply Chain
What does it take to deliver what your customer needs, in the quantity they need, on time, every time? It should be simp…
Eliminate the 3 Key Wastes to Create an efficient Lean Office Environment
Lean Thinking defines wastes as work that adds no value to the customer. The well-known Seven Wastes are transportation,…
Does Industry 4.0 Mean the End of Lean?
Does Industry 4.0 Mean the End of Lean? In the last couple of years I have been asked a surprising question. “Does Ind…
Understanding Your Production Capacity
What is the production capacity of your business? It is surprising how few manufacturers can answer this question. Even …
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 4: Stopping Passive Acceptance
Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very difficult in some organisations. Th…
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 3: Overcoming Learned Helplessness
Read these tips to overcome the barriers to learned helplessness. Creating a lean culture or a positive change within an…
Our Top 5 Practical 5S Workplace Organisation Videos
Practical 5S is one of the easiest Lean techniques to implement but one of the hardest to sustain. View a selection of 5…
Four Simple Tips for a Successful Kanban System
4 Simple Steps for an Effective Kanban System Kanban Systems or Pull Systems of various types are now common across many…
Overcoming Four Big Barriers to a Lean Culture Part 2: Beating Low Expectations
Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very difficult in some organisations. Th…
Lean Inventory Management — Understand it Before You Try to Slash it!
Inventory management is one of the biggest costs in a business and often the largest commitment of cash is inventory. In…
Overcoming The Four Big Barriers To A Lean Culture Part 1: Breaking Through Complacency
How Do You Create a Lean Culture? Creating a Lean culture, or for that matter creating any positive change, seems very d…
Waste in Lean Manufacturing: Find the Hidden Waste in your Business
When you walk through your workplace do you find it hard to see waste? Maybe you have implemented 5S so the workplace lo…
Supporting Good Communication with Technology
Good communication is central to having a prospering organisation and technology solutions may be able to help take your…
How to Recruit a Great Operations Manager
How do you recruit a great Operations Manager i? We talked to an experienced manufacturing recruiter and came up with so…
Avoiding a “Bad” Improvement Project
We’ve all seen those improvement projects that look out of place and not aligned with the company direction. So, how d…
What Makes a Great Operations Manager?
So what are the signs that you have hired a really effective Operations Manager or General Manager in your business?The …
Broaden your Horizons with these Great Lean Books
As the days are dark and cold, there is nothing like sitting down with a good book to feed your brain and get you ready …
How to Avoid the Senior Management Revolving Door in Your Business
The “management revolving door” is a disaster for your business. Apart from the direct recruitment and severance cos…
WHAT and then WHO: the Delicate Balance of Office Process Design
Office process design starts with using the lean principles to understand the current situation then develop a future st…
Stop Start Continue – a Lean Feedback Tool
A strong component of TXMs Lean Philosophy is about engaging our team and get them thinking about improving our company,…
The Importance of the Senior Leadership Workshop
While holding a senior leadership workshop may feel like a huge burden of time and resources, at TXM we find the investm…
Business Health Check: The Three Key Indicators For Your Daily Gemba Walk Around
Active leadership is important to continuous improvement and a daily walk around to determine the health of your busines…