TXM Lean Minute – Lean Problem Solving – Breaking Down the Problem
Daily problem solving is at the heart of continuous improvement. We often find companies struggling by making problem so…
TXM Lean Minute – Why Quality Control Inspection is Waste You Should Eliminate
Does quality inspection add value to your product? The answer is "NO", all inspection is waste and as such should be eli…
TXM Lean Minute – The Five Steps to Achieving Level Production (Heijunka)
Achieving level production is a key objective of a Lean production system. Level production occurs when each process ste…
TXM Lean Minute – Daily Standup Meetings Are Not Just for the Factory
Many businesses have found that having quick daily stand up meetings around a visual management board is an excellent wa…
TXM Lean Minute – Balancing Workflow for Level Production
Lean manufacturing aims for level production, where the throughput of each process step is balanced to match the rate of…
S & A Stairs: Lean Manufacturing Applied to Customised Staircases
In this lean case study video, Slattery and Acquroff Director, Rob Beard explains how Lean has really streamlined their …
TXM Lean Minute – Practical 5S – Creating Standard Workstations
5S is a great business tool in so many ways. By creating standard workstations your team can make their life easier and …
TXM Lean Minute – Avoiding the Waste of Overproduction
As leaders in a manufacturing business we need to be careful about the messages we send. When we put too much emphasis o…
TXM Lean Minute – Practical 5S – 5S Every Inch of Your Business!
When you implement 5S often it is the details that can trip you up. In this Practical 5s Lean minute video TXM Senior Co…
TXM Lean Minute – Level Production and Creating a Visual Workflow
Levelling work enables you see the status of production in real time and gets products and services to your customers on…
TXM Lean Minute – Lean Thinking – What is Value? What is Waste?
Fundamental to Lean Thinking is the concept of value and waste. This simple video explains the concepts so you can start…
What is Lean – Employee Engagement
What is Lean? Looking for a simple introduction to what lean manufacturing means for your office or factory? Here it is.…
TXM Lean Minute – The Role of a Lean Transformation Steering Committee
An effective Steering Committee is a critical element of a company wide lean deployment. In this Lean Minute, TXM Direct…
TXM Lean Minute – How to Choose the Tasks for your Red-Green Task Board (Kamishibai)
Red Green Task Boards (or Kamishibai Boards) are a great way to ensure that every day tasks get done in your business. T…
TXM Lean Minute – Engage your People in Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping is a great tool for understanding your business. Building a value stream map based on superficial o…
TXM Lean Minute – Autonomous Maintenance
Care for your machine like you care for your car. In this Lean Minute, TXM China Consulting Director, Justin Tao, explai…
TXM Lean Minute – Improve your Business with Active Experimentation
Adults learn by doing. We call this active experimentation. In this Lean Minute video, Anthony Clyne explains how you ca…
TXM Lean Minute – Lead Lean Culture Change Through Changing Every Day Behaviours
To truly sustain Lean you need to create a Lean culture in your business. In this Lean Minute video, Ron Spiteri explain…
TXM Lean Methodology – Manufacturing Agility Process
TXM has adapted proven Lean value stream mapping techniques to work for complex, customised and low volume production pr…
TXM Lean Minute – Creating a Culture of Daily Problem Solving
Creating a culture where your teams use simple practical problem solving techniques every day can drive dramatic improve…
TXM Lean Minute – Lean Metrics Drive Improvement
What gets measured gets done. Human behaviour is that the things we measure in business are often the things that get th…
TXM Lean Methodology – Lean Daily Leadership Process
The key to growing a business is often the ability to empower people at every level to make decisions and take accountab…
TXM Lean Minute – The Lean Sales Process – Solution Selling
Lean sales is about applying Lean thinking directly to improve the value that customers get from your product or service…
TXM Lean Methodology Video – Practical 5S
5S is probably the most well known Lean technique and is one of the essential foundations of a successful production sys…
TXM Lean Minute – Creating a Lean Quality Culture
As leaders we determine the culture of the organisations we lead.This is especially the case when it comes to quality. T…
TXM Lean Methodology Video – Solving Problems Every Day
Solving problems using a structured process is oen of the key elements of a Lean Production System, but it is extremely …
TXM Lean Minute – What is Lean Manufacturing?
Lots of people talk about Lean Manufacturing and Lean Enterprise and Lean Manufacturing, but what is it really? At TXM w…
TXM Lean Minute – The Lean Leadership Role for Senior Leaders
Increasingly lean leadership is being seen as the key to success for lean implementation in all kinds of businesses. So …
TXM Lean Minute – The “I to U” of Lean Plant Layout
There are lots of different ways you can layout your plant. Lean Plant Layouts can include I, L, O, S and U shapes. In t…
TXM Lean Minute – How to Level Lean Production to Takt Time
When you make a simple mass produced product, leveling lean production is relatively easy. However for customised produc…
TXM Lean Minute – How to Sustain Lean Manufacturing
The challenge many businesses face is how to sustain lean manufacturing. Initial improvements may be impressive, but the…
TXM Lean Minute – Why Your Business Needs Lean Visual Controls
Visual controls are simple visual cues or signals that tell us the current situation and enable us to make decisions bas…
TXM Lean Case Study – Sykes Racing – Customised Lean Manufacturing
Sykes Racing Lean Case Study is one of the the most ambitious lean transformation TXM has ever been involved in. In thi…
TXM Lean Minute – Creating Lean Standardised Work for Customised Products
Lean standardised work is one of the foundation tools of Lean Thinking. However for custom products it can be difficult …
TXM Lean Minute – Why Lean Finance Makes Sense
Lean is a great way to engage your people and improve the culture of your business, but it also offers some hard nosed b…
TXM Lean Minute – Ask Why Five Times
To establish a culture of continuous improvement in your business Leaders need to role model problem solving by asking "…
TXM Lean Minute – 5S Set In Order
5S Set in Order is the second "S" in popular workplace organisation method, 5S. In this TXM Lean Minute, Anthony Clyne e…
TXM Lean Minute – Lean Plant Layout Design
Getting the plant layout right at the start can save you a lot of time and money in the life of your factory and will me…
TXM Lean Minute – Toyota Method of Respecting People
Respect for people is a core value at Toyota. In this TXM Lean Minute, Anthony Clyne provides some simple tips on how to…
TXM Lean Case Study – MacNaught Lean Manufacturing Transformation
Read this case study to learn how MacNaught a manufacturer complex engineered lubrication products for global markets ac…